Directed by erle c kenton, house of dracula stars onslow stevens, john carradine and lon chaney jr. House of dracula 1945 was the natural result of the success of the previous years monsterthon, house of frankenstein universal were determined to wring every last ounce of mileage out of their staple monsters, a fact which, although it seemed to make much of their combined potential, actually hastened their completely running out of steam. Count dracula and the wolf man seek cures for their afflictions. Overall, this film wont do much for anyone that isnt a fan of universal horror. Edelmans office asking for a cure to his vampirism. The main plot is that dracula and larry talbot are both seeking a cure for their respective monster afflictions from dr. House of dracula dvd 1945 horror for sale online ebay. House of dracula 1945 frequently asked questions imdb.
Frankensteins monster glenn strange, count dracula john carradine, and the wolf man lon chaney jr. House of dracula 1945 in the early 1940s, universal tried to boost the box office of its fading horror movie franchise of the preceding decade by putting various combinations of its famous monsters into single movies, rather like a gothic version of the marvel mashup the avengers 2012. House of dracula 1945 stream and watch online moviefone. Download house of dracula 1945 torrent or any other torrent from category. Franz edelmann onslow stevens is unknowingly infected with draculas blood and begins turning into a crazed vampire. Glenn strange is given nothing to do, and onslow stevens proves the real highlight as dr edelman. The movie was in essence a sequel to the previous entry in the universal monsters series, house of frankenstein, insofar as it continued the theme of combining universals three most popular monsters. John carradine as count dracula,not quite christopher lee,but then who is. The house of dracula 1945 ultimate guide is a magazine guide to the universal horror movie starring lon chaney jr, john carradine and onslow stevens. House of frankenstein 1944 when the daltons rode 1940 the invisible woman 1940 the images displayed on this page are recent additions to the movie title stills collection, a website containing screen captures of titles from feature films. Kenton, written by curt siodmak, and produced by universal studios as a sequel to frankenstein meets the wolf man and son of dracula the previous year.
Siskoid house of dracula puts the three best known universal monsters together dracula, frankensteins monster and the wolf man and a mad scientist with shades of jekyll and hyde for good measure. With onslow stevens, john carradine, lon chaney jr. House of dracula 1945 official trailer movie hd subscribe to classic trailers. House of dracula 1945 stream and watch online this monster movie focuses on the iconic vampire, count dracula john carradine, and lawrence talbot lon chaney, better known as the wolf man. It was a direct sequel to house of frankenstein, and.
I love both house of frankenstein and house of dracula, and technically, this is the stronger of the two films the other is rated higher by me personally only due to karloffs inclusion. House of dracula 1945 official trailer movie hd youtube. The story picks up several years after the events of house of. On the other hand, the werewolf transformations are handled extremely well. House of dracula 1945 ultimate guide magazine classic. Of course, being house of dracula, i couldnt pass it up. Frankensteins monster, count dracula and the wolf man. Frankensteins monster, dracula, the wolf man, plus a mad doctor and a hunchback im. Choose your metaphor running on empty, out of steam, shot its bolt, jumped the shark but the great initial run of universal horror films ends here.
Read the full synopsis of house of dracula, 1945, directed by erle c. Of course, we cant expect cgiquality effects in 1945, but house of dracula was obviously made in a hurry and on a tight budget. House of dracula is the last of universal studios monster series, with the exception of the comedy bud abbott and lou costello meet frankenstein 1948 1948, which brought all. Those filmsfrankenstein meets the wolf man 1943, house of frankenstein 1944, house of dracula 1945 and abbott and costello meet. Thats why abbot and costello meet frankenstein is so great,because we actually get to see the wolfman fight dracula,if only for a few moments. House of dracula also can be found as part of a sevenfilm dracula complete legacy collection. This is still good watching though for the wolfman,lon chaney jnr,the role was most definitely his alone and as always he shines. Kenton on allmovie this universal monster rally, an immediate. While the spanish pressbooks for notable old movies are usually small this one is 8. Both movies suffer greatly as i think ive stated before here by the fact that there are too many monsters for the short run time. House of dracula was an american horror film released by universal pictures company in 1945. His cat doesnt react well to the transmutation and hisses from a chair before running away. It was a direct sequel to house of frankenstein and continued the theme of combining universals three most popular monsters.
Count dracula and the wolf man seek cures for their. Some softness crept in at times exacerbated by mild edge haloes but in general, i thought definition seemed acceptable. House of dracula is a 1945 american monster crossover horror film released by universal pictures. A cursory look at vampirethemed narratives in italian literature provides perfect examples of the unpopularity of the homegrown fantastic in the. This is how universals original horror series ended back in 1945. In a desire to reach beyond the creatively limited formulas of each monsters individual story arc, universal had first paired the frankenstein monster and the wolfman larry talbot in frankenstein meets the wolf man 1943 and then added dracula to the mix for house of frankenstein 1944.
Everything becomes lazy, strange surrealities emerge because of inconsistency, and actions, characters and lines seemed to be a slight parody, creating an unease. Download house of dracula 1945 torrent kickasstorrents. The orchard music publishing, and 1 music rights societies show more show less. Licensed to youtube by the orchard music on behalf of nightbreed recordings. The two house of movies are okay, but disappointing because the monsters never interact. Universal continues their monster rallies in house of dracula, bringing together dracula, the wolf man and the frankenstein monster. House of dracula is not a ground breaking classic like dracula or frankenstein but it deserves it place as one of universals classic monster films. The cast includes a mad scientist karloff, the wolf. At the same time, both count dracula and the wolfman, larry talbot, arrive at the sanitarium of dr franz edelman in vasaria, seeking a cure for their various afflictions. The opening shot features one of the most obvious rubber bats on strings this side of sctv. House of dracula was the third of the monster teamups made by universal during the 1940s. Frankenstein monster, count dracula and the wolf man. Dracula count dracula arrives at the seaside visarian home of dr. Edlemann has become infected with draculas blood and changes into a mad monster.
House of dracula appears in an aspect ratio of approximately 1. The final nail in the coffin of universals monster cycle house of dracula opens with the count john carradine presenting himself at dr edelmanns onslow stevens inclusive clinic, research lab and creepy castle. Nonton house of dracula 1945 nonton house of dracula gratis di, pusat nonton film movie terbaru bioskop atau serial tv terlengkap dengan subtitle indonesia subtitle inggris. The house of frankenstein is a 1944 american monster crossover horror film starring boris karloff and lon chaney jr.
House of dracula dvd 1945a real must for horror classic collectors. House of dracula is an american horror film released by universal pictures company in 1945. House of dracula 1945 spanish pressbook from zombos. The film was a commercial success, but would also be one of the last universal movies featuring frankensteins. In the case of house of dracula, we have something slightly different deathofgenre disappointment. House of dracula 1945 cast and crew this monster movie focuses on the iconic vampire, count dracula john carradine, and lawrence talbot lon chaney, better known as the wolf man. The tabby cat spots dracula and hisses at the vampire then runs away. Just like house of frankenstein before it, universal packs most of their top monsters into one fast paced adventure.
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